

Front End Developer


Hard Skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Sass
  • Git / Github

About Me

Hello, I am Ekaterina Furman. Since my teenage years I have always dabbled with HTML, CSS, and PhotoShop, but never took the chance to make it my career ... until about 2 years ago, when life took an unexpected turn.

At first I was recommended to pursue a career in Cyber Security, so studied for a year getting my CompTIA A+, NET+, and SEC+ certifications. However, after getting all 3 of my certifications, that path just did not feel right for me.

Which is when I discovered The Odin Project. From there on I got a few Udemy courses from Jonas Schmedtmann, among some others, and have been dedicating myself to become a Front End Developer.

Soft Skills

  • Time Management
  • Organisation
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Attention to Detail
  • Customer Service
  • Self Learning
  • Creativity
discover cinema project screenshot

Discover Cinema

23 February 2024

With the Discover-Cinema project I wanted to solidify my knowledge on API calls async/await, but also do it using the MVC design pattern. For the slider I used a library called SwiperJS. Precautions were used to make sure the API KEY is not leaked. The website is fully responsive.

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Calendar Planner

10 January 2024

After finishing 3 courses on Udemy for HTML, CSS, Sass, and JavaScript, I decided it was time to build a bigger personal project. This project combines creating a calendar from scratch, building on the to do list by being able to attach tasks spread throughout the calendar, using sass maps and mixins to create a theme switcher, and finally also utilizing a weather API that shows you the current weather information.

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calendar project screenshsot
blog page screenshot

11ty Blog Page

17 January 2024

WIP! Blog page setup with 11ty, a static site generator. Along with the Netlify CMS, to publish new blog posts through an admin panel without touching any actual code. I will be updating the blog while learning more on my journey as a Front End Developer.

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